Chicken liver Pâté is a delicious and nutritious appetizer that is perfect for any occasion. This recipe is simple to follow and takes LESS THAN 30 MINUTES to prepare. Plus, it's affordable and full of nutrients!
Add onions and garlic to skillet with 2-3 tablespoons of oil.
Simmer over medium low heat for 8-10 minutes.
Add chicken livers and pork and turn to medium high heat. Season with salt and pepper and add in thyme and rosemary sprigs.
Chop down the meats roughly to allow them to cook more evenly. Cook until no longer pink inside about 8 minutes.
Deglaze pan with sherry wine and simmer for 1 minute.
Take off heat and add to a food processor.
Puree for 20 seconds until smooth.
Add in 5 tablespoons butter, parsley and scallions. Puree for another 20 seconds until smooth and creamy.
Transfer to a small ramekin dish and seal tightly with plastic wrap. Serve with crostini or a frech baguette.If adding clarified butter to the top like in photos, keep reading.
Clarified Butter:
Over LOW heat add 5 tablespoons of butter to a small saucepan and melt fully. You will notice a white foam form on top. Use a spoon to skim it off the top.
Spoon a tablespoon or two of the butter over top of each ramekin. Add fresh thyme leaves to garnish. Chill until ready to serve.
You do not need to add the clarified butter to the top of your pate however it will double the shelflife of the pate. It also looks more appealing!If you wish to use JUST chicken livers instead of the sausage, just double the amount.The fresh herbs are a must. I add the parsley and scallions last to keep the flavor fresh.Feel free to add a teaspoon or two of cognac at the end since it is a common addition in pate.