I am obsessed with adult party games. I believe we're never too old to have fun. So if you're looking for some fun game ideas for your next party without boards, supplies or materials that require minimal setup, I got you!
Here I have included some creative EASY games that can be played indoor OR outdoor in the comfort of your own home. The minimum in a small crowd or large group. All games can be played without drinking alcohol and will allow eachother to get to know eachother!
When having people over, you need to think a little about entertainment, then you can plan the night. You know you don't want to hear crickets, but are in search of something a little more fresh than charades or pictionary!
We're talking maximum party fun with minimal party supplies. We've got you! Read below for some great game ideas that will have your party goers engaged and entertained without drinking.
If your love hosting, make sure to serve some finger foods and drinks!
1. Salad Bowl
This game is aptly named, because you will need....you guessed it... a large salad bowl! Oh and some paper! So the supplies are limited and cheap!
🕹️How To Play:
This guessing game is played in three rounds.
- Cut up slips of paper and have everyone in the group write something on each piece and toss it in the bowl. They can write the name of an actor of actress. a celebrity, an inside joke or family friend. You want to end up with about 20 things in the salad bowl.
- In the first round, you can describe the noun that is written with as many words as you need. (For Mickey Mouse, you could say things like "Cartoon, Animated, married to Minnie" etc). You do that for one minute and see how many your team can guess.
- Then put all of the papers back in the bowl, and do this again, only this time you can only use one word to describe each item. (For Mickey you might just yell "Minnie!" and hope they remember Mickey was one of the cards).
- For the third and final round, the cards go back in the bowl and this time you can only use a gesture, or your body to describe the character. (Mickey is getting two round ears on top of his head, for sure!)
Number of people: 8+
It is an easy inexpensive game that everyone can play no matter age or interest!
😋 My Layered Taco Dip and my Cold Spinach Dip are both popular party dips people go crazy over!
2. Two Truths And A Lie
Two truths and a lie is such an enlightening getting to know you game. This game is best played by a group that doesn't know each other well. And best of all, no equipment or tools are needed!
🕹️How To Play:
- Everyone has to think of the most absurd things they can think of about themselves- two of them need to be true and one of them has to be a lie.
- Go around sharing these one at a time, and see if the group can name your deception! Honors system here.
Number of people: 4+
I always think it's fun to blow people's mind with things about me that are weird and true, then throw in something super mundane as the lie.
It always leads to lots of great conversation, laughs and a little better understanding of your friends!
3. Line 'Em Up!
This game is best for at least 10 people. All you need here are papers and markers or pens, and I guarantee you will have an evening of chaotic laughter!
🕹️How To Play:
- Split everyone up into TWO lines.
- Give the last person in each line a simple (simple is the key word) illustration or short word to draw/write onto their paper. The idea is to use the BACK of the person in front of them as their "table". This way that person has to guess what it is just by feeling it!
- Then that person writes on the back of the person in front of THEM and so on and so forth.
- The line with the drawing closest to the original would be the champion!
Number of people: 8+
This game is especially perfect if you have a secret announcement to make at your party. "We are having a baby!" or a picture of a baby, looks awesome at the end of a 6 person sharpie line!
🍸Looking for more drinks? Check out this list of the top 15 most popular cocktails!
4. 20 Questions
This game is one I started playing when I was a child. There is a board game version but you don't need any supplies or material for this version.
🕹️How To Play:
- Have one person think of something within one of these categories: person, place or thing. This category can be shared with the group!
- Then have each person in the group ask ONE question about the person, place or thing.
- The idea is to guess the person, place or thing BEFORE the 20th question is up. If it is not guessed, that person wins.
- If it IS guessed, the guesser wins and get's to choose a person, place or thing!
Number of people: 8+
5. Not So Famous
I left the best for last!!
This is my FAVORITE game that can be played anytime anywhere! My friends and I made this game up while in the car one day. It was so much fun and helped time go by so quickly. It's best played with 4-10 people.
🕹️How To Play:
- Divide the group into two teams.
- Designate two "clue givers" (one from each team).
- The two clue givers need to choose ONE famous person with whom they will share with eachother only. (They have to agree on the person.) Ex: Madonna.
- They are to use only ONE WORD to describe that person. Ex: Singer
- After each giver provides a clue, their team has one guess. So each round, a clue is given followed by a guess. (if the team has a person in mind)
- Each clue giver will go back and forth providing one word to their team until one team guesses the famous person!
- The first team to guess wins!
Number of people: 4+
The idea is for both teams to use both clues given from each person to guess the famous person! Choose your clues wisely! You do not want to give away too much too soon.
Final Game Tips
At the end of the day, you know your guests best! Think of the reason you're playing a game at all!
Finding board games geared to more than 8 players is not easy. I created a list of games for 8 or more players here!
I'm not saying every gathering needs a party theme, but there should be a reason you're getting together. Are you purely trying to entertain, do you want to dive deeper into what you know about your friends, or do you have news to share?
Looking for a fun twist on drinking? Require guests to drink out of anything but a cup!
The most important part of any party is the fun that's had. And shoot, Pin the Tail on the Donkey could even work for that!
Looking for something more active? Try setting up an adult scavenger hunt!
Consider making it a THEMED party!
How to Host a Favorite Things Party: A Step-by-Step Guide
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